Restoration of Appearance and Function Trust

RAFT – Restoration of Appearance and Function Trust is a charity that was formed in 1988 by four plastic surgeons working with burns patients, Roy Sanders, Brian Morgan, Douglas Harrison and Paul Smith.

Since then, the medical research done by the RAFT scientists and researchers has resulted in many developments that have benefited patients and become part of day-to-day life.

In late 2021 RAFT had come to some critical milestones on its then current programmes, particularly breast reconstruction and bone regeneration. The Trustees realised that a different skillset other than the research capabilities was required to translate these programmes into patient benefit. This was best achieved by transferring the know-how IP and remaining assets to a likeminded charity, The Griffin Institute, which is being progressed in stages during 2022.

When this is concluded an application will be made to Charity Commission to dissolve the Charity.

These pages give a little of the history and legacy of the RAFT Institute and the most recent medical research projects.

If you would like to know more or need to contact those previously involved with RAFT please email